Sexual intercourse during pregnancy

Sexual intercourse during pregnancy

Sexual intercourse during pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful phases of a woman's life. A lot of changes mentally and emotionally are experienced and the body also undergoes a lot of changes.

While a lot of changes are for the good and are welcomed, some might feel unfavorable. The hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause regular mood swings.

Even though the feeling you are going to have after pregnancy is incomparable, it comes with a lot of restrictions, like those on some extreme physical activities, adventures, or even sexual intercourse.

Modern Science’s view

A common question for many couples or pregnant women is whether it is safe to have sexual intercourse during pregnancy or not.

After much scientific research, it has been proved that women having healthy pregnancies can indulge in sexual activities. The protective covering of the Amniotic sac and fluid will keep the fetus safe from the sudden jerks that happen during intercourse.

Therefore from a scientific point of view, it is okay to indulge in sexual intercourse during pregnancy but in case the doctor denies it, you should strictly avoid it.

Ayurveda’s view

However, if you consider the Ayurveda point of view, it is absolutely against the idea of having sex during pregnancy. 

Pregnancy in Ayurveda is described as Kapha time. It is said to be the time to build and nourish your body. Sex and pregnancy are said to be two absolutely opposite things in Ayurveda, as per doshas. Ayurveda says sexual intercourse increases Vata.   

Ayurveda suggests that sexual intercourse leads to the depletion of a vital and rich element known as Ojas. It is an element that nourishes the growing fetus. It believes that the body of a mother shares this essence of vitality with the baby growing inside. Therefore, losing too much of it as a result of regular sexual intercourse during pregnancy is not considered healthy for the developing fetus. 

Females having a strong Kapha constitution can consider indulging in intercourse, but those having strong Vata in their constitution or any kind of imbalance should absolutely avoid it. 

Some other situations suggested by Ayurveda to completely avoid indulgence in any kind of sexual intercourse are:

  •   If you are at higher risk of preterm labor or have had it during pregnancy.
  •   If you experience vaginal bleeding more than normal.If your flow is heavy or is like period discharge you should contact your doctor and stop any kind of sexual intercourse.
  •   If you're carrying low. This means if your placenta is very close to the cervix you should avoid sexual intercourse during pregnancy.  
  •   If the cervix opens up too soon during the pregnancy.
  •   If your partner or you have any sexually transmitted diseases or even a history of that.
  •   If you've got a history of miscarriages. In this case, sexual intercourse can affect your baby or your body.
  •   If you have any other kind of complication in your pregnancy, keep yourself strictly away from intercourse. 

Spiritual View

The other point of view, which gives an answer to this question, is to believe that pregnancy is a spiritual time. The growth of a baby takes place in accordance with your routine, behavior, and exposure to the outside world.  Many pregnant women perform celibacy to preserve energy for the growth of the inner spirit.  


Even though there are various takes on this matter from different points of view, the topic is still said to be very subjective. The choice of having any kind of sexual intercourse during pregnancy is completely up to the couple and especially the female. Pregnant women have a completely free choice to do whatever their body demands.

In many cases, pregnant women in their second trimester have sexual drives and the urge to have it. 

The best option is to talk it out with your partner. Discuss what you feel like and be very specific and clear about it. Furthermore, the female should be very clear about what her body desires and can tolerate. If you feel you want it very badly and your body would be good with it, go for it. But if you're not very confident about indulging in any sexual intercourse during pregnancy, you can definitely avoid it. 

Also, consulting your doctor for the same is always a very good option. Be clear with them and they might clearly tell you whether you're in a position to have it or not.

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