Remedies for Heartburn During Pregnancy-Herby Angel –
Indigestion and Heartburn in Pregnancy; Home remedies

Indigestion and Heartburn in Pregnancy; Home remedies

Indigestion and Heartburn in Pregnancy; Home remedies

In pregnancy, heartburn is a typical issue. It affects more than 50% of pregnant women, and is particularly common around the third or second trimester of pregnancy. Additionally, it is very likely that you will harm your unborn child if you use risky treatments to treat your heartburn.

  • Heartburn occurs when the muscular ring separating the esophagus from the stomach relaxes (as do all the muscles in the GI system), causing food and abrasive digestive juices to back up into the esophagus. Heartburn is a common pregnancy symptom that many women experience in the first trimester, usually starting around month two. It lasts throughout the full nine months of pregnancy. Although the issue has nothing to do with your heart, these stomach acids irritate the delicate esophageal lining and cause irritation, which results in a burning sensation just where the heart is located. This is why the condition is known as heartburn.
  • Indigestion (or dyspepsia), a bloated and gassy sensation brought on by a slow digesting process, is a frequent condition during pregnancy. It shows up as pain or discomfort felt in the lower back or beneath the ribs.

Causes: Progesterone and relaxin are hormones that are produced in great quantities early on in pregnancy and have the tendency to relax smooth muscle tissues all over the body, including much of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Meals thus sometimes digest more slowly, leading to indigestion problems of all types, such as heartburn and that bloated, gassy sensation. Although you might not like it, your baby will benefit from this. This digestive delay makes possible better nutrition absorption into your bloodstream and, subsequently, into your baby through the placenta.

These are some methods by which you can reduce your chances of heartburn without harming your baby:

  • Avoid eating a lot at once to drastically lower your risk of experiencing heartburn while pregnant. Consume in moderation.
  • Stay away from spicy foods: Spicy foods have a tendency to relax one of the muscles in your digestive tract, the lower esophageal sphincter. Your likelihood of experiencing heartburn rises as this muscle relaxes. Foods that are fried or greasy both cause this.
  • Drink less while eating: It has been established that drinking while eating frequently results in acid reflux. Acid reflux from the stomach frequently causes heartburn itself.
  • Keep your head elevated when you're lying down. After eating, avoid lying down right away to reduce the risk of heartburn. Use pillows under your head when you rest.
  • Smoking should be avoided for a variety of reasons, including that it makes reflux symptoms worse.

Home remedies

  1. Coconut water: It is a healthy natural heartburn solution. Coconut water can be had twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. It soothes your stomach while also preventing heartburn. It is a natural rehydrator that is rich in vitamins and minerals that aid in the body's natural absorption of fluids. So, drinking coconut water when pregnant can be a wise choice.
  2. Fennel seeds: Acidity is frequently treated with fennel, which is also a key component of most digestion-related treatments. Fennel seeds can be consumed as a tea-time snack or as a natural remedy after meals. It can also be ingested after being immersed in water for around 10 minutes. By doing so, you can reduce stomach acid reflux and other gastrointestinal issues.
  3. Ginger: It is most likely already in your home and prevents morning sickness, indigestion, and other pregnancy-related issues. Ginger could be consumed whole in the mouth to chew its juices or in a cup of water to relieve heartburn during pregnancy. The majority of pregnancy-related gastrointestinal issues are controlled by it.
  4. Yogurt or milk: We are suggested to drink plain milk or eat yogurt while we are feeling acidic. This is due to the fact that probiotic meals tend to relieve heartburn and enhance digestion. Additionally, it soothes your stomach and stops acids from entering the area of your esophagus. If you get heartburn while pregnant, you can replace the yogurt and milk with grains, almonds, and other options.
  5. Peppermint leaves: Since peppermint has a powerful neutralizing effect, it can effectively alleviate heartburn. You can use peppermint tea, raw peppermint leaves, or peppermint lozenges. Your body may find it quite calming and reviving.
  6. Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is a natural remedy that treats a variety of ailments. Aloe Vera is made from plant leaves, so it's crucial to use real aloe vera rather than the commercial varieties. It can be used to treat heartburn in a variety of ways. Many women consume or apply aloe vera gel to cure heartburn.
  7. Probiotics: These help preserve the health of your digestive system by including Lactobacillus acidophilus (good bacteria).

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